Dental Crowns – Tooth Cap

Dentists install crowns to perform several important functions. These act like tooth caps, protect weak teeth, restore broken teeth, prevent cracked teeth from breaking further, and support teeth that have large fillings. Different crowns are also used to hold dental bridges in place.

So if you’re looking for dental crown in Bhubaneswar, must visit to Innovative Smile, Dental Clinic. They specialize perfect placement of these tooth caps, so you know you’ll have experts looking after you. Restore your damaged teeth with range of safe, effective and affordable tooth crowns.

At Innovative Smile we provide Cosmetic / Aesthetic Crowns, Metal Ceramic Crowns, Emax Crowns, Monolith Crowns, Zirconia Crowns, Non Cosmetic Crowns, Gold Crowns etc.

Tooth Crown Cost:

  • Cosmetic /Aesthetic Crowns Cost per tooth is Rs 2200 – Rs 8500
  • Metal Ceramic Crowns Cost Per Tooth is Rs 2200 – Rs 2800
  • Emax Crowns Cost per tooth is Rs 3500 – Rs 4500
  • Monolith Crowns Cost per tooth is Rs 3700 – Rs 4800
  • Zirconia Crowns Cost per tooth is Rs 4000 – Rs 8500
  • Non Cosmetic Crowns Cost per tooth is Rs 1200 – Rs 2400
  • Metal Crowns Cost per tooth is Rs 1200 – Rs 1500
  • Gold Crowns Cost per tooth is Rs 2000 – Rs 2400

Why Dental Crowns are used?

Crowns are often necessary for the following scenarios:

  • Large cavities that can’t be filled
  • Missing teeth when a bridge is needed
  • Coverage for dental implants
  • Cracked, worn down, or weak teeth
  • Restoration after a root canal
  • Cosmetic reasons like discolored or badly shaped teeth

Crowns can also be used in pediatric dentistry; for example, if baby teeth have been damaged by decay, in extreme scenarios where poor oral hygiene or an aversion to general anesthesia demands the procedure, a crown might be appropriate.

Crown Placement

Preparing a tooth for a crown usually requires two visits to the dentist — the first step involves examining and preparing the tooth, the second visit involves placement of the permanent crown.

At the first visit in preparation for a crown, your dentist may take a few X-rays to check the roots of the tooth receiving the crown and surrounding bone. Accordingly tooth reshaping, filling or root canal treatment may be necessary to make room for the crown.Then impression of the tooth to receive the crown is taken. It is sent to a dental lab where the crown is manufactured. During this first visit your dentist will male a temporary crown to cover and protect the prepared tooth.

During the second visit , the temporary crown is removed and the permanent crown is placed in place of it.

Are Dental Crowns Painful?

Getting a crown is not a painful experience; thanks to the use of anesthetic and sedation, most patients feel only mild discomfort. The benefits of getting a crown far outweigh this temporary discomfort.

How to care for Temporary Crown?

Because temporary dental crowns are just that — a temporary fix until a permanent crown is ready — most dentists suggest that a few precautions. These include:

  • Avoid sticky, chewy foods which have the potential of grabbing and pulling off the crown.
  • Minimize use of the side of your mouth with the temporary crown.
  • Avoid chewing hard foods which could dislodge or break the crown.

Problems with Dental Crown

  • Discomfort or sensitivity. Your newly crowned tooth may be sensitive immediately after the procedure or it is too high on the tooth.
  • Chipped crown. Crowns made of all porcelain or porcelain fused to metal can sometimes chip.
  • Loose crown. Sometimes the cement washes out from under the crown , making it loose.
  • Crown falls off. Sometimes crowns fall off. Reasons include decaying of the underlying tooth and loosening of the cementing material used to place the crown.

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