Tooth Gap Bridges

If you have missing teeth, your dentist can close — or bridge — the gaps in your smile with dental bridges. So if you want dental bridge, consult Dr. Swastik at Innovative Smile, Bhubaneswar. We offer both crown and implant supported dental bridges, whichever is best, for both adults and senior persons.


What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is one or more false teeth called pontics, held in place by crown abutments on either side of the gap. Either your natural teeth or dental implants act as abutment teeth. It is another effective option next to dental implant and dentures.

Pontics made basically from porcelain aesthetically blend in with your natural teeth. So it is best to bridge front teeth gaps. However, you can use a variety of materials to make pontics including gold, alloys or a combination of these materials.

Benefits of Dental Bridge

Some of the advantages of dental bridges:

  • Restore your smile
  • Restore the ability to properly chew and speak
  • Dental bridges are usually small, lightweight, providing excellent chewing comfort.
  • Maintain the shape of your face (by preventing bone loss from the jaw at the site of the missing tooth/teeth)
  • Distribute the forces in your bite properly by replacing missing teeth
  • Prevent remaining teeth from drifting out of position
  • New dentures are easy and comfortable to use, both for adults and senior persons.

Disadvantages of Dental Bridges

There are several disadvantages to dental bridges. These include:

  • A risk of decay is present if the crowns over the abutting teeth are ill-fitting. So regular visit to your dentist will check if its getting loose.
  • The adjacent natural teeth holds the bridge. So it may become weak after a long period of time. Your dentist will find other options for it.
  • The crowns may change the structure of the teeth. Strictly follow your dentist routine, how to maintain your dental bridge so as to not effect your other teeth.
  • The supporting teeth on each side of the bridge may not be strong enough to support the bridge. Your dentist may go for dental implant or other missing teeth replacement options.

What Types of Dental Bridges Are Available?

There are three main types of dental bridges: traditional fixed bridges, cantilever bridges, Maryland bonded bridges and implants supported bridges.

Traditional Fixed Dental Bridge

A traditional dental bridge includes the false teeth in between abutment teeth, caped by dental crowns.

While a person has natural teeth on both sides of the gap, can go for traditional bridge. It is also a common and popular type of dental bridge. This is the most popular type of dental bridge.

Cantilever Dental Bridge

Cantilever bridges are used when there are adjacent teeth on only one side of the missing tooth or teeth. This is not very common any more and is not recommended in the back of the mouth where it can put too much force on other teeth and damage them.

For a cantilever bridge, you only need one natural tooth next to the missing tooth gap.

Maryland dental bridge

Maryland bonded bridges, also known as resin-bonded bridges, are commonly used to replace front teeth.

This type of bridge is often used to replace missing teeth in the front of the mouth. It is made of porcelain that is fused to metal teeth, supported by a metal framework.

Like a traditional bridge, a Maryland bridge is used when you have a natural tooth on each side of the gap caused by the missing tooth or teeth.

Implant-supported dental bridge

As the name implies, implant-supported bridges use dental implants as opposed to crowns or frameworks. Typically, one implant is surgically placed for every missing tooth, and these implants hold the bridge in position. However, in case where one implant for each missing tooth isn’t possible, the bridge may have a pontic suspended between two implant-supported crowns.

Candidates for dental implants should be in good general health and have enough bone to support an implant. A key benefit of implants is that they don’t need support from the surrounding teeth.

Considered the strongest and most stable system, an implant-supported bridge commonly requires two surgeries:

  • one to embed the implants in the jawbone
  • a second surgery to place the bridge

How to Know if I am suitable for Dental Bridge?

Not everyone is a good candidate for a dental bridge.1 According to the University of Rochester, there are several factors which contribute to a person being a good candidate for a bridge, these include:

  • Missing one or more permanent teeth
  • Being in overall in good health (no severe health conditions, infections or other health problems)
  • Having teeth that support the bridge which are in good shape and have strong bone structure.
  • Having good oral health.
  • Performing good oral hygiene (to maintain the condition of the dental bridge)

What does a dental bridge cost?

There are many variables that can affect the price including:

  • number of teeth needed to fill the gap
  • materials used, such as composite resin, zirconia, or metal alloy covered in resin
    complexity/difficulty of the placement
  • additional treatments for other dental issues, such as gum disease

The costs also depend on the type of bridge that you select:

Traditional or cantilever bridges typically cost for one pontic and a crown for each abutment tooth.
Maryland bridges typically cost for one pontic with the framework, or wings, attached to the abutment teeth.
An implant-supported bridge could cost for a bridge with two dental implants spanning three or four teeth.

Steps Involved in Getting a Dental Bridge

First you need dental check-up which will suggest if you are a good candidate for dental bridge. Next you get appointment for fixing dental bridge. Steps involved may take two appointments and few visits for perfectly fitting a dental bridge. However the procedure may change in certain cases.

On first day of appointment your dentist prepare the abutment teeth which involves recontouring these teeth by removing a portion of enamel. Recontouring prepare the teeth to hold crown over it. Now the dentist will take your teeth impression for making a model. It is send to a dental lab to prepare bridge, pontic, and crowns for your mouth. In the mean time your dentist will fix a temporary bridge in the gap to protect your exposed teeth and gums.

After dental lab finish the new dental bridge and u get second appointment. The new porcelain or metal bridge replace the temporary bridge. The dentist will check and adjust the bridge as necessary to make you feel comfortable with it. Proper fit of the metal framework and bite may require multiple visits.


Although there are advantages and disadvantages to getting a dental bridge, studies have shown that with regular dental cleanings and exams, and good oral hygiene, a dental bridge can be a long-lasting solution to having missing teeth.

Every person has different mouth condition. It is your dentist who decide whether a dental bridge is right choice or not.

If you’re missing a tooth or a number of teeth, you have different replacement options at Innovative Smile. There are many benefits to using dental bridges, and there are many factors — including costs — that you should consider before making a decision.


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