Restorative Dentistry

Tooth restorations are ways your dentist replace missing teeth or fix missing parts of the tooth structure. Tooth structure can be missing due to decay, deterioration of a previously placed restoration, or fracture of a tooth. So if you want dental restoration service, consult Dr. Swastik at Innovative Smile, Bhubaneswar. We offer tooth fillings, crowns, bridges, implants and dentures, which can restore your teeth completely.


Restorations for teeth are either direct or indirect ways.

Direct restorations repair inside of your mouth (fillings), while indirect restorations repair outside of the mouth. Affixed either to the tooth or the supporting tooth structure in a separate procedure (examples include veneers and crowns), they restore teeth. Your dentist choose best option based on the issues you’re facing. They also take care of your personal preferences.

Direct Tooth Restorations

Dentists often do direct tooth restorations in one procedure and in one dentist office visit.

Tooth Fillings

The most common direct dental restoration are fillings for cavities.

Direct restorations involves placing a soft or malleable filling into the prepared tooth, set it hard and you get a restored teeth. The advantage for patients is that they get quick restoration and in a single visit. The dentist has a variety of different filling options to choose from. The cavity filling restoration depends on the location and severity of the cavity.

Fold, silver amalgam, or tooth-colored plastic materials called composite resin fillings can restore cavity teeth. They are one of the more conservative ways to repair a tooth and often the least invasive.

Cosmetic Bonding

Another form of direct restoration is direct dental bonding. Dentists use a putty-like bonding agent to restore and repair cracks, reshape teeth, or reduce gaps between teeth. They match color of the teeth. So not noticeable.

Indirect Tooth Restorations

Indirect restorations involve dentists to take dental impressions of the prepared teeth and fabricate them outside your mouth. Common indirect restorations include inlays and onlays, crowns, bridges, and veneers.

Usually a dental technician fabricates the indirect restoration from records the dentist has provided. Dental cement often bond the finished restoration to required teeth. The procedure takes more than single visit. Common indirect restorations use ceramics.

Because the procedures require more work (such as a dental impression, tooth preparation, fabrication, and a temporary veneer, bridge, or crown), they tend to be costly.

On the upside, they can increase the aesthetic appearance of your teeth or provide a more stable, longer-lasting solution when the damage is severe or extensive.

Now let us know about the most common indirect tooth restorations you can get.


Veneers, also known as indirect dental bonding, are thin shells of porcelain that can replace or cover the enamel of a damaged, stained, or misshapen tooth.

Impression of your mouth manufacture them. They are translucent and also mimic your natural tooth enamel. So veneers are popular.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are tooth caps. Dentists use these cap structured device and completely cover your tooth surface. Dental cement bond these dental crowns over a weak or discolored teeth. Therefore the strength and appearance of your teeth improves.

You can use crowns made of Metal (such as gold or titanium), ceramic (such as zirconia, silica, or alumina), or metal-ceramic composite.


A dental bridge is one or more false teeth called pontics, held in place by crown abutments on either side of the gap. Either your natural teeth or dental implants act as abutments. Porcelain, metal, or porcelain fused to metal (PFM) make dental bridge.

Dental Implants

Dental implants mount replacement teeth directly into a metal post or frame. Dentists surgically positioned into your jaw bone.

A implant support crowns, bridges, dentures. The procedure often require several steps to create a temporary prosthetic, extract the damaged tooth, prepare the implant site, manufacture the permanent prosthetic, and affix the implant.

Once completed, it can take three to six months for the new bone to form (ossify) around the implant and secure it into place.


Inlays are similar to fillings, however they don’t use malleable materials. Porcelain, gold, or a resin composite materials make inlays after the dentist send your mouth impression to the laboratory. Here you get the final shape. Finally cemented into natural teeth by the dentist.

Inlays are more durable as compared to fillings. They indicate when decay or a fracture is extensive.


Rather than restoring an area of fracture or decay, an onlay would replace any bits of tooth that have broken off. An onlay differs from a crown in that it only covers part of a tooth, not the entire thing.


Whatever the cause of a damage or missing teeth, restorative dentistry play a special role for this. Not only they bring back the normal function of a teeth, aesthetically also they change your mouth and smile.

As there are different types of dental restoration in dentistry, your dentist needs to choose which is best for your condition.


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