Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Therapy

Get superior root canal treatment with unmatched precision.

A ‘root canal’ is the term that refers to the natural cavity or space within the center of the tooth. It is made up of the pulp chamber which provides nutrients and nerves to each tooth and the ‘canals’ that connect to each other or to the surface of the root of the tooth.

At Dr. Swastik’s Dental Clinic in Bhubaneswar, a root canal is done with unmatched precision to treat and save a tooth that is damaged, infected or badly decayed. The treatment involves (1) removal of the nerves and pulp and (2) cleaning and sealing the infected area inside the tooth.

When should you consider getting root canal treatment from a specialist

Some of the common causes for pulp infections include:

  • Untreated and accumulated tooth decays for prolonged periods
  • Tooth injury
  • Bruxism (habitual teeth grinding)
  • Tooth discolorations
  • Tenderness and acute pain during normal activities such as chewing

What Happens During a Root Canal?

During a root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form.


It depends on factors such as the severity of damage, the type of the tooth to preserved and restoration methods like fillings and crowns.

Note: It is to be noted that the cost to save a teeth is always less as compared to procedures like dental implant.

What Should One Expect After the Root Canal?

For the first few days following the completion of a root canal, the tooth may feel sensitive due to natural tissue. Inflammation may occur there was pain or infection before the procedure.

Risks of a root canal

A root canal is performed in an effort to save your tooth. Sometimes, however, the damage is too deep or the enamel is too frail to withstand the procedure. These factors can lead to loss of the tooth.

Another risk is developing an abscess at the root of the tooth if some of the infected material remains behind or if the antibiotics aren’t effective.

If you’re apprehensive about a root canal, you can talk to your dentist about an extraction instead. This often involves placing a partial denture, bridge, or implant in place of the damaged tooth.

Alternatives to Root Canal

The alternatives to root canal therapy include no treatment or tooth extraction. Following tooth extraction, options for prosthetic replacement may include dental implants, a fixed partial denture (commonly referred to as a ‘bridge’), or a removable denture.


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